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BTC as Investment.

Erik Finman, a 12-year-old boy, accompanied his older brother at a protest. The police arrived and for safety they had to flee.

There, they both found a man wearing a T-shirt  Bitcoin , but the boy's curiosity made him ask " what was it?"  Bitcoin .” Then the man who “looked like a hippie” replied: “It is something that could end Wall Street, corruption and all the bad things.”

The boys were impressed and went home to find out more about cryptocurrency. After much research , Erik decided that he would invest everything he had, approximately $1,000, to buy approximately 100 bitcoins.

Today, the 100 bitcoins are worth more than $4.8 million and Erik is the first known case of a child becoming a millionaire with  Bitcoin .

01. Every Investor knows that investments carry risk

02. It is important to always investigate

03. Making the decision is something personal and whatever the result, it will always be better to have tried than not.

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